Added music and builtscene

This commit is contained in:
OverflowNarhoym 2022-02-27 10:26:56 +01:00
parent 9f2fa10186
commit 945d95433c
9 changed files with 1093 additions and 556 deletions

View File

@ -189,7 +189,8 @@ AudioMixerSnapshotController:
m_SnapshotID: 7b03920a55d36f54bac08488dc018422 m_SnapshotID: 7b03920a55d36f54bac08488dc018422
m_FloatValues: m_FloatValues:
a1af4b69dd3ea7f45ae1c3192eb02717: -8.481223 a1af4b69dd3ea7f45ae1c3192eb02717: -8.481223
9675209fe2317fa4cb02bced339e8d4b: -19.928478 9675209fe2317fa4cb02bced339e8d4b: -13.63726
a449b5dff9f05be428c783227ba1ebfb: -18.592384
m_TransitionOverrides: {} m_TransitionOverrides: {}
--- !u!244 &1458683330471287751 --- !u!244 &1458683330471287751
AudioMixerEffectController: AudioMixerEffectController:

Assets/Audio/Musics.meta Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: be977be5e4e4a4e48b3846884a5d956b
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: fe1a7271a764c5440abf08d497d87b9c
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serializedVersion: 6
loadType: 0
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compressionFormat: 1
quality: 1
conversionMode: 0
platformSettingOverrides: {}
forceToMono: 0
normalize: 1
preloadAudioData: 1
loadInBackground: 0
ambisonic: 0
3D: 1

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
%YAML 1.1
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--- !u!104 &2
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--- !u!157 &3
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--- !u!196 &4
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--- !u!1001 &199922620
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--- !u!1 &548551711
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--- !u!82 &548551712
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--- !u!4 &548551713
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--- !u!1001 &516972629445516078
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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View File

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--- !u!82 &548551712
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--- !u!4 &548551713
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--- !u!1001 &516972629445516078 --- !u!1001 &516972629445516078
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View File

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--- !u!114 &4 --- !u!114 &4
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- Assets/Palettes - Assets/Audio
m_Globs: [] m_Globs: []
m_OriginalText: m_OriginalText:
m_ViewMode: 0 m_ViewMode: 0
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0} scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_SelectedIDs: dc3c0000 m_SelectedIDs: dc3c0000
m_LastClickedID: 15580 m_LastClickedID: 15580
m_ExpandedIDs: ffffffff00000000ac660000186a00001a6a00001c6a00001e6a0000206a0000 m_ExpandedIDs: ffffffff00000000ac660000186a0000786a0000a06a0000d2a3000000ca9a3b
m_RenameOverlay: m_RenameOverlay:
m_UserAcceptedRename: 0 m_UserAcceptedRename: 0
m_Name: m_Name:
@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_ResourceFile: m_ResourceFile:
m_AssetTreeState: m_AssetTreeState:
scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0} scrollPos: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_SelectedIDs: 7c6a0000 m_SelectedIDs: 08690000
m_LastClickedID: 27260 m_LastClickedID: 26888
m_ExpandedIDs: ffffffff00000000ac660000186a00001a6a00001c6a00001e6a0000206a0000 m_ExpandedIDs: ffffffff00000000ac660000186a0000786a0000a06a0000d2a3000000ca9a3b
m_RenameOverlay: m_RenameOverlay:
m_UserAcceptedRename: 0 m_UserAcceptedRename: 0
m_Name: m_Name:
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_IsRenaming: 0 m_IsRenaming: 0
m_OriginalEventType: 11 m_OriginalEventType: 11
m_IsRenamingFilename: 1 m_IsRenamingFilename: 1
m_ClientGUIView: {fileID: 0} m_ClientGUIView: {fileID: 6}
m_SearchString: m_SearchString:
m_CreateAssetUtility: m_CreateAssetUtility:
m_EndAction: {fileID: 0} m_EndAction: {fileID: 0}
@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_ResourceFile: m_ResourceFile:
m_ListAreaState: m_ListAreaState:
m_SelectedInstanceIDs: 7c6a0000 m_SelectedInstanceIDs: 08690000
m_LastClickedInstanceID: 27260 m_LastClickedInstanceID: 26888
m_HadKeyboardFocusLastEvent: 0 m_HadKeyboardFocusLastEvent: 0
m_ExpandedInstanceIDs: c6230000d03c0000 m_ExpandedInstanceIDs: c6230000d03c0000
m_RenameOverlay: m_RenameOverlay:
@ -408,14 +408,14 @@ MonoBehaviour:
- {fileID: 11} - {fileID: 11}
m_Position: m_Position:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 302.4 x: 304
y: 0 y: 0
width: 880 width: 880
height: 730.8 height: 730.8
m_MinSize: {x: 100, y: 200} m_MinSize: {x: 100, y: 200}
m_MaxSize: {x: 8096, y: 16192} m_MaxSize: {x: 8096, y: 16192}
vertical: 1 vertical: 1
controlID: 669 controlID: 5299
--- !u!114 &9 --- !u!114 &9
MonoBehaviour: MonoBehaviour:
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52 m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Tooltip: m_Tooltip:
m_Pos: m_Pos:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 302.4 x: 304
y: 73.6 y: 73.6
width: 878 width: 878
height: 493.40002 height: 493.40002
@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
floating: 0 floating: 0
collapsed: 0 collapsed: 0
displayed: 1 displayed: 1
snapOffset: {x: 0, y: 0} snapOffset: {x: -100, y: -1.6000061}
snapOffsetDelta: {x: -100, y: -25.600006} snapOffsetDelta: {x: 0, y: -24}
snapCorner: 3 snapCorner: 3
id: Tool Settings id: Tool Settings
index: 0 index: 0
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
floating: 0 floating: 0
collapsed: 0 collapsed: 0
displayed: 1 displayed: 1
snapOffset: {x: 0, y: 0} snapOffset: {x: 0, y: 24.8}
snapOffsetDelta: {x: 0, y: 0} snapOffsetDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
snapCorner: 0 snapCorner: 0
id: unity-scene-view-toolbar id: unity-scene-view-toolbar
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
floating: 0 floating: 0
collapsed: 0 collapsed: 0
displayed: 0 displayed: 0
snapOffset: {x: 0, y: 0} snapOffset: {x: 0, y: 24.8}
snapOffsetDelta: {x: 0, y: 0} snapOffsetDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
snapCorner: 0 snapCorner: 0
id: Scene View/Open Tile Palette id: Scene View/Open Tile Palette
@ -789,8 +789,8 @@ MonoBehaviour:
y: 514.4 y: 514.4
width: 880 width: 880
height: 216.39996 height: 216.39996
m_MinSize: {x: 102, y: 121} m_MinSize: {x: 100, y: 100}
m_MaxSize: {x: 4002, y: 4021} m_MaxSize: {x: 4000, y: 4000}
m_ActualView: {fileID: 12} m_ActualView: {fileID: 12}
m_Panes: m_Panes:
- {fileID: 12} - {fileID: 12}
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Tooltip: m_Tooltip:
m_Pos: m_Pos:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 302.4 x: 304
y: 588 y: 588
width: 878 width: 878
height: 195.39996 height: 195.39996
@ -839,9 +839,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Children: [] m_Children: []
m_Position: m_Position:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 1182.4 x: 1184
y: 0 y: 0
width: 353.59998 width: 352
height: 730.8 height: 730.8
m_MinSize: {x: 275, y: 50} m_MinSize: {x: 275, y: 50}
m_MaxSize: {x: 4000, y: 4000} m_MaxSize: {x: 4000, y: 4000}
@ -870,9 +870,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_Tooltip: m_Tooltip:
m_Pos: m_Pos:
serializedVersion: 2 serializedVersion: 2
x: 1182.4 x: 1184
y: 73.6 y: 73.6
width: 352.59998 width: 351
height: 709.8 height: 709.8
m_ViewDataDictionary: {fileID: 0} m_ViewDataDictionary: {fileID: 0}
m_OverlayCanvas: m_OverlayCanvas:
@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
m_CachedPref: 160 m_CachedPref: 160
m_ControlHash: -371814159 m_ControlHash: -371814159
m_PrefName: Preview_InspectorPreview m_PrefName: Preview_InspectorPreview
m_LastInspectedObjectInstanceID: 27260 m_LastInspectedObjectInstanceID: 26888
m_LastVerticalScrollValue: 0 m_LastVerticalScrollValue: 0
m_GlobalObjectId: m_GlobalObjectId:
m_InspectorMode: 0 m_InspectorMode: 0