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#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
float RandomFloat(int min, int max)
float result;
int value;
static unsigned long int counter = 0;
srand(time(0) + counter++ * 50);
value = (rand() % ((max - min) * 100));
result = (float)value / 100.0 + (float)min;
std::clog << "Function RandomFloat: Between " << min << " and " << max << " returned value is " << result << "\n";
return result;
#pragma region Sinaps
class Sinaps
float weight; // Ağırlık
float value; // Değer
float bias; // Öteleme
Sinaps(float, float, float); // Kaydedilen değerleri yeniden yazabilmek için
void SetSinaps(float, float, float); // Sonradan tamamen değiştirebilmek için
void SetWeight(float);
void SetValue(float);
void SetBias(float);
float Fire();
// weight = value = bias = 0.0;
this -> weight = RandomFloat(-1, 1);
this -> value = RandomFloat(-1, 1);
this -> bias = RandomFloat(-1, 1);
std::clog << "Create Sinaps: Weight = " << weight
<< " Value = " << value
<< " Bias = " << bias << "\n" << "\n";
std::clog << "Delete Sinaps: Weight = " << weight
<< " Value = " << value
<< " Bias = " << bias << "\n";
Sinaps::Sinaps(float weight, float value, float bias)
this -> weight = weight;
this -> value = value;
this -> bias = bias;
std::clog << "Create Sinaps: Weight = " << weight
<< " Value = " << value
<< " Bias = " << bias << "\n";
void Sinaps::SetSinaps(float weight, float value, float bias)
this -> weight = weight;
this -> value = value;
this -> bias = bias;
std::clog << "\n" << "Set Sinaps: Weight = " << weight
<< " Value = " << value
<< " Bias = " << bias << "\n";
void Sinaps::SetWeight(float weight) { std::clog << "\n" << "Set Sinaps Weight: " << weight << "\n"; this -> weight = weight; }
void Sinaps::SetValue(float value) { std::clog << "\n" << "Set Sinaps Value: " << value << "\n"; this -> value = value; }
void Sinaps::SetBias(float bias) { std::clog << "\n" << "Set Sinaps Bias: " << bias << "\n"; this -> bias = bias; }
float Sinaps::Fire()
float result = weight * value + bias;
std::clog << "\n" << "Return Sinaps Fire: " << weight << " * " <<
value << " + " <<
bias << " = " <<
result << "\n";
return result;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Noron
class Noron
Sinaps *forwards;
Sinaps *incoming;
int forwardsCount;
int incomingCount;
bool SetForwards(Sinaps *, int);
bool SetIncoming(Sinaps *, int);
float GetStatus();
forwards = incoming = NULL;
forwardsCount = incomingCount = 0;
std::clog << "Create Noron: NULL" << "\n";
delete forwards;
delete incoming;
bool Noron::SetForwards(Sinaps *newForwards, int size)
std::clog << "\n" << "SetForwards: Allocating Memory of Size " << size << " Sinapses" << "\n";
delete forwards;
forwards = NULL;
std::clog << "SetForwards: Old Forwards Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
forwards = (Sinaps *)new char[sizeof(Sinaps) * size];
std::clog << "SetForwards: Memory Couldn't Allocated!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetForwards: Memory Allocated!" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*(forwards+i) = *(newForwards+i);
forwardsCount = size;
std::clog << "SetForwards: Successfull!" << "\n";
return true;
bool Noron::SetIncoming(Sinaps *newIncoming, int size)
std::clog << "\n" << "SetIncoming: Allocating Memory of Size " << size << " Sinapses" << "\n";
delete incoming;
incoming = NULL;
std::clog << "SetIncoming: Old Incoming Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
incoming = (Sinaps *)new char[sizeof(Sinaps) * size];
std::clog << "SetIncoming: Memory Couldn't Allocated!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetIncoming: Memory Allocated!" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*(incoming+i) = *(newIncoming+i);
incomingCount = size;
std::clog << "SetIncoming: Successfull!" << "\n";
return true;
float Noron::GetStatus()
float toplam = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < incomingCount; i++)
toplam += (incoming + i) -> Fire();
for (int i = 0; i < forwardsCount; i++)
(forwards + i) -> SetValue(toplam);
std::clog << "\n" << "Get Noron Status: Sum = " << toplam << "\n";
return toplam;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Katman
class Katman
Noron *neurons;
Katman *forward;
Sinaps *layerSinapses;
int size;
Sinaps *CreateSinapsSet(int size);
void FireLayer();
void RandomizeSinapsValues();
bool SetForward(Katman *);
bool SetIncoming(Sinaps *sinapsSet, int backwardsNeuronCount);
bool SetNoron(Noron *, int);
bool CreateNoron(int);
int GetSize();
neurons = NULL; this -> size = 0;
std::clog << "Create Layer: NULL" << "\n";
Katman::Katman(int size)
std::clog << "Error Create Layer: Neurons Couldn't Created!" << "\n";
std::cout << "Katman Oluşturulamadı!" << "\n";
std::clog << "Create Layer: " << size << " Neurons Has Been Created!" << "\n";
this -> size = size;
Katman::~Katman() { delete neurons; }
Sinaps *Katman::CreateSinapsSet(int size)
std::clog << "\n" << "CreateSinapsSet: Allocating Memory Size of " << size << " Sinapses" << "\n";
Sinaps* sinapses = new Sinaps[size];
std::clog << "Create Sinaps Set: Memory Size of " << size << " Sinapses Allocated!" << "\n";
std::clog << "Error Create Sinaps Set!" << "\n";
return sinapses;
void Katman::RandomizeSinapsValues()
float weight = 0;
float value = 0;
float bias = 0;
int sinapsCount = size * (forward -> GetSize());
for (int i = 0; i < sinapsCount; i++)
weight = RandomFloat(-1, 1);
value = RandomFloat(-1, 1);
bias = RandomFloat(-1, 1);
(layerSinapses + i) -> SetSinaps(weight, value, bias);
std::clog << "RandomizeSinapsValues: SetSinaps d With Values of SetSinaps(" << weight << ", " << value << ", " << bias << ")" << "\n";
void Katman::FireLayer()
std::clog << "\n" << "FireLayer: Number of " << size << " Neurons' GetStatus is Being Called!" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
std::clog << i << ". Neuron Status: " << (neurons + i) -> GetStatus() << "\n";
bool Katman::SetForward(Katman *forward)
std::clog << "\n" << "SetForward: Called!" << "\n";
Sinaps *sinapses = NULL; // Pointer to store all created sinapses
Sinaps *newSinapses = NULL; // Temporary Pointer for creating each neurons' s1inapses
int forwardSize = 0;
delete layerSinapses;
layerSinapses = NULL;
std::clog << "SetForward: Old layerSinapses Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
this -> forward = forward;
std::clog << "SetForward: Forward is NULL" << "\n";
return true;
forwardSize = forward -> GetSize();
std::clog << "SetForward: Creating Sinaps Set with Number of " << (size * forwardSize) << "\n";
delete sinapses;
sinapses = NULL;
std::clog << "SetForward: Old Sinapses Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
sinapses = (Sinaps *)new char[sizeof(Sinaps) * size * forwardSize];
std::clog << "Error SetForward: Couldn't Allocate Memory for Sinapses!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetForward: SinapsSet Created!" << "\n";
// Set Forwards of each neuron in the Layer
for (int thisCounter = 0; thisCounter < size; thisCounter++)
newSinapses = CreateSinapsSet(forwardSize);
std::clog << "SetForward -> CreateSinapsSet: Couldn't Allocate Memory for Sinapses!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetForward -> CreateSinapsSet: SinapsSet Created!" << "\n";
std::clog << "SetForward -> SetForwards: " <<
(neurons + thisCounter) -> SetForwards(newSinapses, forwardSize)
<< "\n";;
// Add each sinaps to the array
for (int forwardCounter = 0; forwardCounter < forwardSize; forwardCounter++)
*(sinapses + forwardCounter) = *(newSinapses + forwardCounter);
std::clog << "SetForward: Sinapses Are Added to the Array!" << "\n";
layerSinapses = sinapses;
std::clog << "SetForward: Sinaps Array Has Been Set to the Class' Pointer!" << "\n";
// Send the sinapses to the forward layer
return forward -> SetIncoming(sinapses, size);
bool Katman::SetIncoming(Sinaps *sinapsSet, int backwardsNeuronCount)
Sinaps *sinapses = NULL;
std::clog << "\n" << "SetIncoming: Creating Sinaps Set with Number of " << backwardsNeuronCount << "\n";
delete sinapses;
sinapses = NULL;
std::clog << "SetIncoming: Old Sinapses Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
sinapses = (Sinaps *)new char[sizeof(Sinaps) * backwardsNeuronCount];
std::clog << "Error SetIncoming: Couldn't Allocate Memory for Sinapses!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetIncoming: SinapsSet Created!" << "\n";
for (int thisCounter = 0; thisCounter < size; thisCounter++)
std::clog << "SetIncoming: Sinapses Are Being Added to the Array!" << "\n";
// Add each sinaps to the array
for (int incomingCounter = 0; incomingCounter < backwardsNeuronCount; incomingCounter++)
*(sinapses + incomingCounter) = *(sinapsSet + (size * thisCounter + incomingCounter));
std::clog << "SetIncoming -> Neuron SetIncoming: " <<
(neurons + thisCounter) -> SetIncoming(sinapses, backwardsNeuronCount)
<< "\n";
return true;
bool Katman::SetNoron(Noron *newNeurons, int size)
std::clog << "\n" << "SetNoron: Creating Neurons with Number of " << size << "\n";
delete neurons;
neurons = NULL;
std::clog << "SetNoron: Old Neurons Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
neurons = (Noron *) new char[sizeof(Noron) * size];
std::clog << "Error SetNoron: Creating Neurons Failed!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetNoron: Neurons Created Successfully!" << "\n";
std::clog << "SetNoron: Setting Neurons to the Class' Neurons!" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*(neurons+i) = *(newNeurons+i);
std::clog << "SetNoron: Neurons are Set Successfully!" << "\n";
this -> size = size;
return true;
bool Katman::CreateNoron(int size)
std::clog << "\n" << "CreateNoron: Creating Neurons with Number of " << size << "\n";
delete neurons;
neurons = NULL;
std::clog << "CreateNoron: Old Neurons Has Been Deleted!" << "\n";
neurons = new Noron[size];
std::clog << "Error CreateNoron: Creating Neurons Failed!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "CreateNoron: Neurons Created Successfully!" << "\n";
std::clog << "CreateNoron: Neurons are Set Successfully!" << "\n";
this -> size = size;
return true;
int Katman::GetSize() { return size; }
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Girdi-Cikti
#pragma region Girdi
class Girdi : public Katman
void SetValue(int, float);
Girdi::Girdi() : Katman(1) { std::clog << "\n" << "Create Input Layer: Called!" << "\n"; }
Girdi::Girdi(int size) : Katman(size) {}
void Girdi::SetValue(int index, float value)
Sinaps *editedSinaps = NULL;
int forwardNeuronCount = forward -> GetSize();
std::clog << "\n" << "SetValue: Index of " << index << " Neuron's Sinapses Values are Getting Set to Value of " << value << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < forwardNeuronCount; i++)
std::clog << "SetValue -> Sinaps SetValue: Index of " << index << " Neuron's " << i << " Sinaps Value is Getting Set to Value of " << value << "\n";
editedSinaps = (layerSinapses + index * forwardNeuronCount + i);
editedSinaps -> SetValue(value);
std::clog << "SetValue -> Sinaps SetValue: Successfull" << "\n";
std::clog << "SetValue: Successfull" << "\n";
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Cikti
class Cikti : public Katman
float GetValue(int);
Cikti::Cikti() : Katman(1) { std::clog << "\n" << "Create Output Layer: Called!" << "\n"; }
Cikti::Cikti(int size) : Katman(size) {}
float Cikti::GetValue(int index)
std::clog << "\n" << "Call GetValue!" << "\n";
float result = (neurons + index) -> GetStatus();
std::clog << "GetValue: " << result << "\n";
return result;
#pragma endregion
#pragma endregion
#pragma region NeuralNetwork
class NeuralNetwork
Girdi *input;
Katman *hiddenLayers;
Cikti *output;
int hiddenSize;
void SetInput(int, float);
void RandomizeNetworkValues();
void FireNetwork();
bool SetInputNeurons(int);
bool SetHiddenLayerNeurons(int, int);
bool SetOutputNeurons(int);
bool ConnectLayers();
float GetOutputValue(int);
std::clog << "\n" << "Create NeuralNetwork: NULL" << "\n";
hiddenSize = 0;
input = NULL;
hiddenLayers = NULL;
output = NULL;
NeuralNetwork::NeuralNetwork(int hiddenSize)
std::clog << "\n" << "Create NeuralNetwork: Called" << "\n";
input = new Girdi();
hiddenLayers = new Katman[hiddenSize];
output = new Cikti();
std::clog << "\n" << "Create NeuralNetwork: New Neural Network Created with " << hiddenSize << " Layers!" << "\n";
std::clog << "Error Create NeuralNetwork: Memory Couldn't Allocated for Input Layer!" << "\n";
std::cout << "Girdi Katmani Olusturulamadi!" << "\n";
std::clog << "Error Create NeuralNetwork: Memory Couldn't Allocated for Hidden Layers!" << "\n";
std::cout << "Ara Katmanlar Olusturulamadi!" << "\n";
std::clog << "Error Create NeuralNetwork: Memory Couldn't Allocated for Output Layer!" << "\n";
std::cout << "Cikti Katmani Olusturulamadi!" << "\n";
if(!input || !hiddenLayers || !output)
std::clog << "Create NeuralNetwork: Succesfull!" << "\n";
this -> hiddenSize = hiddenSize;
delete input;
delete hiddenLayers;
delete output;
bool NeuralNetwork::SetHiddenLayerNeurons(int index, int size)
bool result;
std::clog << "\n" << "SetHiddenLayerNeurons: Size of " << size << " at Index of " << index << "\n";
std::clog << "SetHiddenLayerNeurons: Allocating Memory Size of " << size << " Neurons!" << "\n";
Noron *neurons = (Noron *) new char[sizeof(Noron) * size];
std::clog << "Error SetHiddenLayerNeurons: Couldn't Allocate Memory for Neurons!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetHiddenLayerNeurons: Memory Allocated!" << "\n";
std::clog << "SetHiddenLayerNeurons -> CreateNoron: Called!" << "\n";
result = (hiddenLayers + index) -> CreateNoron(size);
std::clog << "SetHiddenLayerNeurons -> CreateNoron: " << result << "\n";
// if(result)
// return (hiddenLayers + index) -> SetNoron(neurons, size);
return result;
bool NeuralNetwork::SetInputNeurons(int size)
bool result;
std::clog << "\n" << "SetInputNeurons: Size of " << size << "\n";
std::clog << "SetInputNeurons: Allocating Memory Size of " << size << " Neurons!" << "\n";
Noron *neurons = (Noron *) new char[sizeof(Noron) * size];
std::clog << "Error SetInputNeurons: Couldn't Allocate Memory for Neurons!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetInputNeurons: Memory Allocated!" << "\n";
std::clog << "SetInputNeurons -> CreateNoron: Called!" << "\n";
result = input -> CreateNoron(size);
std::clog << "SetInputNeurons -> CreateNoron: " << result << "\n";
// return output -> SetNoron(neurons, size);
return result;
bool NeuralNetwork::SetOutputNeurons(int size)
bool result;
std::clog << "\n" << "SetOutputNeurons: Size of " << size << "\n";
std::clog << "SetOutputNeurons: Allocating Memory Size of " << size << " Neurons!" << "\n";
Noron *neurons = (Noron *) new char[sizeof(Noron) * size];
std::clog << "Error SetOutputNeurons: Couldn't Allocate Memory for Neurons!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "SetOutputNeurons: Memory Allocated!" << "\n";
std::clog << "SetOutputNeurons -> CreateNoron: Called!" << "\n";
result = input -> CreateNoron(size);
std::clog << "SetOutputNeurons -> CreateNoron: " << result << "\n";
// return input -> SetNoron(neurons, size);
return result;
bool NeuralNetwork::ConnectLayers()
if(!input -> SetForward(hiddenLayers))
std::clog << "\n" << "ConnectLayers: Input Couldn't Set to Forward!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "\n" << "ConnectLayers: Input is Set to Forward Successfully!" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenSize - 1; i++)
if(!(hiddenLayers + i) -> SetForward(hiddenLayers + i + 1))
std::clog << "ConnectLayers: Hidden Layer " << i << " Couldn't Set to Forward!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "ConnectLayers: Hidden Layers are Set to Forward Successfully!" << "\n";
if(!(hiddenLayers + hiddenSize - 1) -> SetForward(output))
std::clog << "ConnectLayers: Output Couldn't Set to Forward!" << "\n";
return false;
std::clog << "ConnectLayers: Output is Set to Forward Successfully!" << "\n";
return output -> SetForward(NULL);
void NeuralNetwork::FireNetwork()
// input -> FireLayer();
// std::clog << "\n" << "FireNetwork: Input Fired!" << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenSize; i++)
(hiddenLayers + i) -> FireLayer();
std::clog << "FireNetwork: Hidden Layer " << i << " Fired!" << "\n";
output -> FireLayer();
std::clog << "FireNetwork: Output Fired!" << "\n";
void NeuralNetwork::SetInput(int index, float value)
std::clog << "\n" << "SetInput: There's no Input Layer Set!" << "\n";
std::clog << "\n" << "SetInput -> Input SetValue: SetValue(" << index << ", " << value << ")!" << "\n";
input -> SetValue(index, value);
void NeuralNetwork::RandomizeNetworkValues()
std::clog << "\n" << "RandomizeNetworkValues: Input Sinapses Are Getting Randomized!" << "\n";
input -> RandomizeSinapsValues();
for (int i = 0; i < hiddenSize; i++)
std::clog << "RandomizeNetworkValues: Hidden Layer " << i << " Sinapses Are Getting Randomized!" << "\n";
(hiddenLayers + i) -> RandomizeSinapsValues();
std::clog << "RandomizeNetworkValues: Output Sinapses Are Getting Randomized!" << "\n";
output -> RandomizeSinapsValues();
float NeuralNetwork::GetOutputValue(int index)
float result = output -> GetValue(index);
std::clog << "\n" << "GetOutputValue: " << result << "\n";
return result;
#pragma endregion
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
float result;
FILE *file;
NeuralNetwork network(3);
network.SetHiddenLayerNeurons(0, 2);
network.SetHiddenLayerNeurons(1, 3);
network.SetHiddenLayerNeurons(2, 2);
std::cout << "m1\n";
std::cout << "m2\n";
network.SetInput(0, 1);
std::cout << "m3\n";
result = network.GetOutputValue(0);
std::cout << "Output is " << result << "\n";
file = fopen("result.txt", "w");
fprintf(file, "%f", result);
// std::cout << "Sinaps = " << sizeof(Sinaps) * 30 << "\n";
// std::cout << "Noron = " << sizeof(Noron) * 9 << "\n";
// std::cout << "Katman = " << sizeof(Katman) * 3 << "\n";
// std::cout << "Girdi = " << sizeof(Girdi) * 1 << "\n";
// std::cout << "Cikti = " << sizeof(Cikti) * 1 << "\n";
// std::cout << "NeuralNetwork = " << sizeof(NeuralNetwork) * 1 << "\n";
return 0;