perf: Drastically Improved Memory Usage
TIL, records are not value types and are actually just reference types. So I was pretty much allocating from heap every time I used any of my data types (Like Vector2D). Needless to say, they are all now readonly structs as I originally intended them to be.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ using System;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Core;
public record EngineTime
TimeSpan Total,
TimeSpan Elapsed
public readonly struct EngineTime(TimeSpan Total, TimeSpan Elapsed)
public readonly TimeSpan Total { get; init; } = Total;
public readonly TimeSpan Elapsed { get; init; } = Elapsed;
@ -3,11 +3,14 @@ using System;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Core;
[System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("{ToString(),nq}, Length: {Magnitude}, LengthSquared: {MagnitudeSquared}, Normalized: {Normalized}")]
public record Vector2D(float X, float Y)
public readonly struct Vector2D(float X, float Y)
public float Magnitude => Length(this);
public float MagnitudeSquared => LengthSquared(this);
public Vector2D Normalized => Normalize(this);
public readonly float X { get; init; } = X;
public readonly float Y { get; init; } = Y;
public readonly float Magnitude => Length(this);
public readonly float MagnitudeSquared => LengthSquared(this);
public readonly Vector2D Normalized => Normalize(this);
public readonly static Vector2D Up = new(0f, 1f);
public readonly static Vector2D Down = new(0f, -1f);
@ -22,6 +25,8 @@ public record Vector2D(float X, float Y)
public static Vector2D operator *(Vector2D vector, float value) => new(vector.X * value, vector.Y * value);
public static Vector2D operator *(float value, Vector2D vector) => new(vector.X * value, vector.Y * value);
public static Vector2D operator /(Vector2D vector, float value) => new(vector.X / value, vector.Y / value);
public static bool operator ==(Vector2D left, Vector2D right) => left.X == right.X && left.Y == right.Y;
public static bool operator !=(Vector2D left, Vector2D right) => left.X != right.X || left.Y != right.Y;
public static float Length(Vector2D vector) => MathF.Sqrt(LengthSquared(vector));
public static float LengthSquared(Vector2D vector) => vector.X * vector.X + vector.Y * vector.Y;
@ -72,4 +77,7 @@ public record Vector2D(float X, float Y)
=> left.X.ApproximatelyEquals(right.X, epsilon) && left.Y.ApproximatelyEquals(right.Y, epsilon);
public override string ToString() => $"{nameof(Vector2D)}({X}, {Y})";
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is Vector2D objVec && X.Equals(objVec.X) && Y.Equals(objVec.Y);
public override int GetHashCode() => HashCode.Combine(X, Y);
@ -3,10 +3,16 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Abstract;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D;
public record CollisionDetectionInformation
public readonly struct CollisionDetectionInformation
ICollider2D Left,
ICollider2D Right,
Vector2D Normal,
float Penetration
public ICollider2D Left { get; init; } = Left;
public ICollider2D Right { get; init; } = Right;
public Vector2D Normal { get; init; } = Normal;
public float Penetration { get; init; } = Penetration;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Syntriax.Engine.Core;
using Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Abstract;
using Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
@ -8,7 +6,7 @@ namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D;
public class CollisionDetector : ICollisionDetector
public bool TryDetect<T1, T2>(T1 left, T2 right, [NotNullWhen(true)] out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
public bool TryDetect<T1, T2>(T1 left, T2 right, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
where T1 : ICollider2D
where T2 : ICollider2D
@ -31,18 +29,18 @@ public class CollisionDetector : ICollisionDetector
return false;
private static bool DetectCircleShape(ICircleCollider2D circleCollider, IShapeCollider2D shapeCollider, out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
private static bool DetectCircleShape(ICircleCollider2D circleCollider, IShapeCollider2D shapeCollider, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
return DetectShapeCircle(shapeCollider, circleCollider, out collisionInformation);
private static bool DetectShapeShape(IShapeCollider2D left, IShapeCollider2D right, out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
private static bool DetectShapeShape(IShapeCollider2D left, IShapeCollider2D right, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
collisionInformation = default;
return DetectShapeShapeOneWay(left, right, ref collisionInformation) && DetectShapeShapeOneWay(right, left, ref collisionInformation);
private static bool DetectShapeShapeOneWay(IShapeCollider2D left, IShapeCollider2D right, ref CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
private static bool DetectShapeShapeOneWay(IShapeCollider2D left, IShapeCollider2D right, ref CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
var vertices = left.ShapeWorld.Vertices;
int count = vertices.Count;
@ -57,14 +55,14 @@ public class CollisionDetector : ICollisionDetector
if (!leftProjection.Overlaps(rightProjection, out float depth))
return false;
if (collisionInformation == default || Math.Abs(collisionInformation.Penetration) > Math.Abs(depth))
if (collisionInformation.Left is null || Math.Abs(collisionInformation.Penetration) > Math.Abs(depth))
collisionInformation = new(left, right, projectionVector, depth);
return true;
private static bool DetectShapeCircle(IShapeCollider2D shapeCollider, ICircleCollider2D circleCollider, out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
private static bool DetectShapeCircle(IShapeCollider2D shapeCollider, ICircleCollider2D circleCollider, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
collisionInformation = default;
@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ public class CollisionDetector : ICollisionDetector
if (!shapeProjection.Overlaps(circleProjection, out float depth))
return false;
if (collisionInformation == default || Math.Abs(collisionInformation.Penetration) > Math.Abs(depth))
if (Math.Abs(collisionInformation.Penetration) > Math.Abs(depth))
collisionInformation = new(shapeCollider, circleCollider, shapeToCircleProjectionVector, depth);
@ -94,14 +92,14 @@ public class CollisionDetector : ICollisionDetector
if (!shapeProjection.Overlaps(circleProjection, out float depth))
return false;
if (collisionInformation == default || Math.Abs(collisionInformation.Penetration) > Math.Abs(depth))
if (collisionInformation.Left is null || Math.Abs(collisionInformation.Penetration) > Math.Abs(depth))
collisionInformation = new(shapeCollider, circleCollider, projectionVector, depth);
return true;
private static bool DetectCircleCircle(ICircleCollider2D left, ICircleCollider2D right, out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
private static bool DetectCircleCircle(ICircleCollider2D left, ICircleCollider2D right, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
collisionInformation = default;
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ public class CollisionDetector : ICollisionDetector
return collision;
// private static bool DetectCircleCircle(ICircleCollider2D left, ICircleCollider2D right, out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation)
// private static bool DetectCircleCircle(ICircleCollider2D left, ICircleCollider2D right, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation)
// {
// collisionInformation = default;
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Abstract;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D;
public interface ICollisionDetector
bool TryDetect<T1, T2>(T1 left, T2 right, [NotNullWhen(returnValue: true)] out CollisionDetectionInformation? collisionInformation) where T1 : ICollider2D where T2 : ICollider2D;
bool TryDetect<T1, T2>(T1 left, T2 right, out CollisionDetectionInformation collisionInformation) where T1 : ICollider2D where T2 : ICollider2D;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class PhysicsEngine2D : IPhysicsEngine2D
if (colliderX.RigidBody2D == colliderY.RigidBody2D)
if (collisionDetector.TryDetect(colliderX, colliderY, out CollisionDetectionInformation? information))
if (collisionDetector.TryDetect(colliderX, colliderY, out CollisionDetectionInformation information))
Vector2D displacementVector = .5f * information.Normal * information.Penetration;
information.Left.Transform.Position -= displacementVector;
@ -2,4 +2,8 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Abstract;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D;
public record PhysicsMaterial2D(float Friction, float Restitution) : IPhysicsMaterial2D { }
public readonly struct PhysicsMaterial2D(float Friction, float Restitution) : IPhysicsMaterial2D
public readonly float Friction { get; init; } = Friction;
public readonly float Restitution { get; init; } = Restitution;
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
using Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Abstract;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D;
public record PhysicsMaterial2DDefault : PhysicsMaterial2D
public readonly struct PhysicsMaterial2DDefault : IPhysicsMaterial2D
public PhysicsMaterial2DDefault() : base(.1f, .1f) { }
public readonly float Friction => .1f;
public readonly float Restitution => .1f;
@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Core;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record AABB(Vector2D LowerBoundary, Vector2D UpperBoundary)
public readonly struct AABB(Vector2D LowerBoundary, Vector2D UpperBoundary)
public Vector2D Center => (LowerBoundary + UpperBoundary) * .5f;
public Vector2D Size => LowerBoundary.FromTo(UpperBoundary).Abs();
public Vector2D SizeHalf => Size * .5f;
public readonly Vector2D LowerBoundary { get; init; } = LowerBoundary;
public readonly Vector2D UpperBoundary { get; init; } = UpperBoundary;
public readonly Vector2D Center => (LowerBoundary + UpperBoundary) * .5f;
public readonly Vector2D Size => LowerBoundary.FromTo(UpperBoundary).Abs();
public readonly Vector2D SizeHalf => Size * .5f;
public static AABB FromVectors(IEnumerable<Vector2D> vectors)
@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Core.Abstract;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record Circle(Vector2D Center, float Radius)
public readonly struct Circle(Vector2D Center, float Radius)
public float RadiusSquared => Radius * Radius;
public float Diameter => 2f * Radius;
public readonly Vector2D Center { get; init; } = Center;
public readonly float Radius { get; init; } = Radius;
public readonly float RadiusSquared => Radius * Radius;
public readonly float Diameter => 2f * Radius;
public static Circle SetCenter(Circle circle, Vector2D center) => new(center, circle.Radius);
public static Circle SetRadius(Circle circle, float radius) => new(circle.Center, radius);
@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Core;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record Line(Vector2D From, Vector2D To)
public readonly struct Line(Vector2D From, Vector2D To)
public Line Reversed => new(To, From);
public Vector2D Direction => From.FromTo(To).Normalize();
public float Length => From.FromTo(To).Length();
public float LengthSquared => From.FromTo(To).LengthSquared();
public readonly Vector2D From { get; init; } = From;
public readonly Vector2D To { get; init; } = To;
public readonly Line Reversed => new(To, From);
public readonly Vector2D Direction => From.FromTo(To).Normalize();
public readonly float Length => From.FromTo(To).Length();
public readonly float LengthSquared => From.FromTo(To).LengthSquared();
public static LineEquation GetLineEquation(Line line)
@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Core;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record LineEquation(float Slope, float OffsetY)
public readonly struct LineEquation(float Slope, float OffsetY)
public readonly float Slope { get; init; } = Slope;
public readonly float OffsetY { get; init; } = OffsetY;
public static float Resolve(LineEquation lineEquation, float x) => lineEquation.Slope * x + lineEquation.OffsetY; // y = mx + b
public static bool ApproximatelyEquals(LineEquation left, LineEquation right)
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record Projection(float Min, float Max)
public readonly struct Projection(float Min, float Max)
public readonly float Min { get; init; } = Min;
public readonly float Max { get; init; } = Max;
public static bool Overlaps(Projection left, Projection right) => Overlaps(left, right, out var _);
public static bool Overlaps(Projection left, Projection right, out float depth)
@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Core.Abstract;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record Shape(IList<Vector2D> Vertices) : IEnumerable<Vector2D>
public readonly struct Shape(IList<Vector2D> Vertices) : IEnumerable<Vector2D>
public static readonly Shape Triangle = CreateNgon(3, Vector2D.Up);
public static readonly Shape Box = CreateNgon(4, Vector2D.One);
public static readonly Shape Pentagon = CreateNgon(5, Vector2D.Up);
public static readonly Shape Hexagon = CreateNgon(6, Vector2D.Right);
public readonly IList<Vector2D> Vertices { get; init; } = Vertices;
public Vector2D this[System.Index index] => Vertices[index];
@ -89,9 +91,9 @@ public record Shape(IList<Vector2D> Vertices) : IEnumerable<Vector2D>
float min = float.MaxValue;
float max = float.MinValue;
foreach (var vertex in shape)
for (int i = 0; i < shape.Vertices.Count; i++)
float projectedLength = projectionVector.Dot(vertex);
float projectedLength = projectionVector.Dot(shape.Vertices[i]);
min = Math.Min(projectedLength, min);
max = Math.Max(projectedLength, max);
@ -4,9 +4,13 @@ using Syntriax.Engine.Core;
namespace Syntriax.Engine.Physics2D.Primitives;
public record Triangle(Vector2D A, Vector2D B, Vector2D C)
public readonly struct Triangle(Vector2D A, Vector2D B, Vector2D C)
public float Area
public readonly Vector2D A { get; init; } = A;
public readonly Vector2D B { get; init; } = B;
public readonly Vector2D C { get; init; } = C;
public readonly float Area
=> .5f * MathF.Abs(
A.X * (B.Y - C.Y) +
B.X * (C.Y - A.Y) +
Reference in New Issue
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